Beads & Whisky

A weird name for a blog about Tarot? Consider this:

Beads and Whiskey have been objects of trade and ritual for centuries.

Beads may be one of oldest forms of currency. Pages of history speak of how Native Americans got a raw deal when the white man offered them Whisky as payment. One painful truth:

“Traders could buy a woman in Africa for as little as a gallon of brandy and six beads.”

Bennett, L. (1969). Before the Mayflower: A history of Black America. Chicago: Johnson
Publishing Company.

Beads are with us in moments of silent prayer and devotion.

Alcoholic beverages are also symbolic. As libations and offerings, they are ever-present in sacred religious and spiritual practices.

Beads are pearls of wisdom – the breadcrumbs we use to find our way.

Whisky lubricates the locked, rusty gate between our conscious and subconscious mind.

Beads can be shiny or dull. Whisky, scintillating or sobering.

Truths that are shiny, dull, scintillating, sobering and so much more – that’s what studying Tarot has given me.

This blog is my offering of “Beads and Whisky” – stories and musings from my Tarot experiences – some magical, some mystical, some mundane – ALL blessed.

Quiet your mind, shuffle your deck, lay your cards, open your heart and listen.