About Book 1

Discover your Destiny

Cover Image

Tarot Life Series – Book 1. An intriguing title! Who doesn’t want to discover more about their destiny?! Finding out who we are and what we were born to do are themes we could (and do) explore for a lifetime!

I was super excited and hungry for answers when I worked with this book! I actually completed it twice – last in 2019 – 2020 when Covid-19 pushed us inside. I locked the door behind me… letting the Hermit’s energy flow through me and guide me.

The Hermit – Morgan Greer Deck

“You are about to change your life with Tarot.”

page 1, Tarot Life Book 1, M.Katz & T. Goodwin, December, 2012

This book offered me the opportunity – not only to “discover” my destiny, but the energy and Tarot tools to be pro-active in the SHAPING IT.

How it worksthe tools – what you do

The first step is to identify your individual DESTINY CARD which is linked to your birth date. All you have to do is find your birthday on the table provided: “The 36 Decans: Zodiacal Signs and Planets”. You’ll find see which astrological Decan (10 day span) you’re in. Next, use this information to find the Tarot card and the planet that corresponds to your Decan in the table called: “The 36 Decans: Tarot Card Correspondences.”

MY DESTINY CARD: 4 of Wands – (Aries 3 Decan – 10-20 April – Venus)

4 WANDS – Morgan Greer Deck

Whew! That was FUN! You’re ready for step 2 – the assessment. This means putting together some keywords based on the suit (Wands), the number (4), and the planet corresponding to your Decan (Venus). Everything you need is provided! Jot down thoughts and feelings as you read through the pages.

With a little devotion and creativity

You’ll find and formulate your

keystone for destiny

Think of it as your mission statement? Life purpose statement?

Venus’s influence means that my destiny will be extremely creative – imagination spurred on by the dynamic energy of the Wands. Sounds great, but things could get a bit out of control – I’m prone to “overdoing things”. (Which Aries isn’t?) The 4 brings the potential for restrictions, stability and order. (Thankfully).

Step 3 – The Daily Practice – you’ll need:

  1. A Tarot deck that will only be used for the exercises (I like Rider Waite for beginners)
  2. A reference for card meanings! Some key words are provided in the book – but if you need more – use the booklet provided with your deck OR on-line sources. There are thousands! This one for example: https://www.tarot.com/tarot/cards/the-fool
  3. Table or floor space to build your path – you may want to lay the cards out and leave them in position all month.
  4. Pens, pencils and drawing paper.- a must! Take notes too!

This book is really fun and creative. You’re going to be reflecting every morning and every evening on your card and key-stone. At the end of the day, you’ll choose 2 events that represent the “extremes”: when you felt you were REALLY doing what you were “born to do” and the opposite – when you wished you were doing something else.

Want to do something else:

Organizing (clutter) at home

Really born to do:

Telephone call with sister.

Shuffle your deck (I used the Morgan Greer deck), draw 2 cards and place them side by side. They’ll give you messages on how you can better align with your destiny on the following day.

LEFT – Tells you how to avoid getting stuck in what’s away from your path.

RIGHT – Tells you how you can better move towards your path.

The Devil – Rider Waite Deck
3 Wands – Rider Waite Deck

What are the cards telling you – intuitively? How does it all make sense or not? *** READY TO PUT THE CARDS ON YOUR DIAGRAM (ABOVE). Draw them at angles – rotating them as follows:

Left: to what degree did you feel like you were away from your destiny? (a lot = tilt 90 degrees)

Right: to what extent did you feel like you’d m missed out on what felt right? (a bit = tilt up to 45 degrees.)

At the end of the month, you’ll have something like this:

A straight path, coils, spirals? – you’ve been using the Tarot to increase your awareness day by day – moment by moment. Little steps, big steps, you’re pro-active – had the chance to focus your WILL – Changing FATE into DESTINY card by card.

Discover your Destiny

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