Rung 1 – How Steady is the Ladder?


The Starting Blocks – The Advice Given

Advice/tasks: This phase is a “pregnant pause” – time to re-evaluate my beliefs – go out in nature and have a look around my garden – needs tilling!! More NOURISHMENT for mind and body (meditation, exercise, food). EMPOWER “mother” – in me, on earth and the Divine (inner child work, beauty treatments – long overdue). VISUALIZE what I want clearly – plant good seed (anchor my best intentions)! Have patience – seasons pass.

Meditation and prayers under the light of the New Moon bore fruit – showed me what and where I need do some weeding,  (forgiveness), fertilizing, (nourishing relationships that matter) and “Rootwork” .

Inner voice came through in a “day” dream: Remember who you are.

Led me to follow a strong impulse to investigate family histories – uncover family mysteries. I looked at the “bits and pieces” (family trees, DNA analysis, and the myths passed down by one of my great aunties. 🙂  This was the most beautiful part of my work on this rung.

The ladder actually feels like a spiral of knots to be unraveled until the pattern is revealed.  My foundation is clearer/sounder – what can I grow in this more fertile ground? What seeds can I now plant?
