Just Let Me Be!

TL Book 10 – Day  23 – Yearning for time to myself to meditate, work on “spiritual” practices and just rest in general! (Hermit)


“…someone standing at the top of a ladder, night watchman, Sherpa mountain guide, lighthouse keeper, compass.”

Lots of thoughts, images and tasks to complete. (8 Wands)

8 Wands

“A postcard from a friend, throwing javelins, casting sticks.”

Went off to work (briefly), but wondering WHAT TO DO to be entertained and to entertain friend Franziska. 🙂 (Page of Wands)

Page of Wands

“Walking staff, young person setting off on a journey.”

Beautiful “spontaneous” message from the universe – walking by one of my favorite places for nightlife – a placard on the street advertising a GREAT LOCAL BAND that evening giving a performance! WOO-HOO! (Ace of Wands)

Ace of Wands

“A walking stick, a lit match, a single tree.”

Lovely performance of music and a LITTLE DANCING! (2 Coins)

2 Coins

“…. dancing..!”

Blessed Be us all!